This trio of birches will be bare any day, but right now its golden tones are beautiful.

We’re in the midst of planting 580 tulip bulbs. I couldn’t get it done without help from my sister, Meg, who made the move to Washington in October. Most of the bulbs are from Colorblends and VanEngelen, and almost all are going into containers which are much easier to protect from squirrels and dreaded rot. The first few varieties below are purported to be best for perennializing, so we shall see. We look forward to a great display of the following varieties:

Big Apricot
Big Eartha
Beauty of Spring
French Blend – my favorites from Spring 2019
Pretty Princess – check out the variegated foliage!
White Marvel
Angelique – can’t have Spring without these

12 responses to “Birches & Bulbs”

  1. What colors! Very nice in those gloomy days …thanks !


  2. Neat Tulips 🙂 I am gonna wait a few months before tending my Spring east Tennessee Daffodils 😉 Wow 580 bulbs ? that would fill my back yard and ½ the front 🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Best of luck with your daffodils!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow. The grape hyacinths behind the Pretty Princess tulips look fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m excited about the Pretty Princess and will be sure to post how they turn out. This is the first year I’ve planted mainly pastels, yet plenty of vibrancy, I hope.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my gosh. Is this how many you usually plant? It sounds like so much more! I love every single selection, but the ‘Big Apricot’ and French blend might win out as my favorites.
    I was just convinced that planting was finished here (plus the ground will freeze up this week) but after hearing this I’m tempted to find a clearance sale and pot a few things up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Frank. I enjoy tulips so much that I’ve been planting many bulbs each year, but this may be my biggest number yet!


      1. It’s going to look great!
        Against my better judgement (and partially due to this post, but I would never blame you) I have tulips on their way for weekend delivery. ‘Spryng Break’ is what I settled on but I’m still not sure if they’ll be potted up for the deck or not.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Your Birch trees look stunning

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Angelique every time. They smell lovely


  7. They are so crowded in the pictures. For that much color in the garden, it would be easier to just paint the ground. tulips are prettier when you can actually see what they are, with a bit of space and foliage in between. They look better in the garden than in the catalogue.


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