Hello again from Washington State, where summer is in full swing. A couple of 80-degree days have passed, and we’re back to the cool summer I thrive on. This Saturday lots is going on, and readers can view happenings in gardens around the world by visiting the comment section of The Propagator’s Six on Saturday post.

ONE — Because of our cool summers I grow tomatoes and peppers, and sometimes eggplant, in our greenhouse. Sweet and jalapeño peppers are coming along nicely. This year’s five varieties of tomatoes all started from seed are Black Krim, Stupice, Berkeley Tie-Dye, Michael Pollan, and Sweetie. A friend gave me some extra Tumbling Toms she started and they are on the sunny, hot deck — the only ripe variety so far.

pepper1peppersblack krimtttomato


TWO – During our brief heat wave, I found respite in the shadier areas of our garden. The black arches currently feature Ligularia in full bloom, shining brightly from their shady haven.



THREEThe orchard is looking mighty healthy this year. The mini fruit has us excited for harvests in the next few months. Picking and processing/storing fruit is loads of work, but the rewards are worth the effort. The small area holds four apple trees, two pears, one Italian prune plum, and one huge Montmorency tart cherry that can be seen behind the pear tree in the photo below. Two young, sweet cherry trees (Rainier and Lapins) up the hill have a negligible harvest this year of maybe a couple dozen fruits total. Bordering the orchard, six redcurrant bushes yielded a generous amount of fruit this week from which I made redcurrant jelly.



FOUR – It’s such a joy to see others’ blog posts with gorgeous rose photos at this time of year, and better yet, to visit gardens with fragrant beauties. Coppertop is not a rose mecca. I have never focused on growing roses, and find it daunting. The only roses here are one Claire Austin I planted a couple years ago and haven’t killed yet, a wonderfully fragrant, white Rosa rugosa, a good number of unidentified hot pink climbers, and a couple of shrub (tea?) roses. One peachy small bush is lovely this year.



FIVEHydrangeas are starting to bloom here. I’ve had some success changing the color of these flowers from pinkish to blue over the last couple of years, although a portion of the shrub still produces pink blooms. Based on the general lack of blooms along part of this hydrangea row (six plants, all macrophylla), the soil needs some amending come fall.



SIX – I ended last week with raspberries and will once again. A few early-morning picking sessions have yielded 12 pounds for the freezer and plenty for fresh eating. I freeze them first on old cookie sheets before bagging them so that I can pull out separated berries for drinks, and more. The canes are only about halfway done producing. A bountiful berry year!


This may be my last Six on Saturday for a while. Hosting family visitors and exploring fun spots with them takes precedence over computer time. The garden will become a celebrated, family gathering spot which is most definitely a beautiful thing.

28 responses to “Six On Saturday — July 21”

  1. Have fun with the family and enjoy all the bounties of your garden. Those raspberries look delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jude! Your summer is looking pretty splendid, too.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am enjoying a proper summer for the first time in years. Saying that now the schools have broken up the weather will probably all change!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My roses have been a real success this year. They have kept going in the “drought” of the last few weeks with very little water. I hadn’t thought of freezing my raspberries on a tray to keep them separate although I use that method for freezing cakes!! At the moment, I am harvesting only 3 or 4 raspberries at a time, they are not filling out yet even though I am watering them as much as I can. Your fruit trees are looking good – I am really envious!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think 2018 will be known as an excellent fruit year in our area. Granny, maybe one day I will delve headfirst into roses and would certainly appeal to all the dear blogger friends for advice.Glad yours have brought you joy this year.


      1. I used not to be that keen on roses but in the gardens of the last couple of houses we have moved into, there have been established rose bushes and I have been given some as presents. When everything else is looking pathetic, all the roses are literally blooming! Thank you for your comment. PS. I am so jealous of your successful fruit – apart from rhubarb and redcurrants, my strawberries, blackcurrants, plums, apples and blueberries have been either eaten or , in the case of the plum tree, killed by frost!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. So much fruit, vegetables and flowers to come … and shrubs and trees so healthy! Here it’s the same but I see that the fruits are small and fall because it lacks water. We had almost 2 months without rain and a few millimeters yesterday won’t be enough … Have fun with family visitors and see you next time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Fred. Sorry to hear of your fruit woes.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lisa at Greenbow Avatar
    Lisa at Greenbow

    All are looking good. I envy those that can grow ligularia. It is too hot and dry here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there. This is the first garden I’ve grown ligularia in, and I do like them. Usually yellow flowers aren’t my thing, but these are standouts, even though they’re not particularly bushy due to deep shade.


  5. Your roses look pretty great to me. Enjoy your family & visitors. They’re sure to love spending time in your wonderful garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lora. I sure get a kick out of your writing! 😉


  6. Looks like my peppers and tomatoes are coming along at the same rate. Your ligularia are in shade? I just recently got some and they look to be full sun/part shade, but shady spots are all I’ve got left.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, I’ve found the ligularia get hot and wilt quickly during warm spells. They enjoy water and shade here. Perhaps mine don’t get as bushy in the low light as others, though. Shade will do them well.


      1. Good to know! I’m going to plant them in my dappled light spots

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve always thought Ligularia is so cool. I don’t see it often around here, but it looks wonderful in your woodland.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks much! I chuckled at your plant ID quiz — and got 2 wrong. Yikes!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. A little bit of fun for a Saturday 🙂


  8. We do not grow peppers even here! It gets warm enough during the day, but the comfortably cool nights are not to their liking. The peppers are fine, but each bell pepper plant makes only a few fruits. They are not worth growing for such few peppers. Your raspberries rok too! We do not grow very many because we lack a freezer. We do not get more than we can eat fresh. I froze some in a neighbor’s freezer last year, but not many.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Peppers and eggplant need that protection. I definitely have to buy peppers as well, but there are those great days when just one pepper is needed and I can quickly visit the greenhouse for it. Quicker than driving into town! I have a few pots that keep producing all summer long. I harvest all my hot peppers, mince, and freeze them for use throughout the year.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I love your roses and raspberries. Neither seems to want to grow very well in my yard, but our climate is more extreme here in Ohio than in Washington. It’s been a very hot summer with lots of days in the 90’s.
    Have fun with company!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Cindy. I hope your days aren’t too terribly hot.


  10. janesmudgeegarden Avatar

    Wow, those raspberries are amazing! I can’t begin to imagine having so many to pick. I buy them here sometimes, but they’re very expensive. Have a happy time with your visitors!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah yes, the raspberries are calling out to be picked again this evening. You’re right, they cost too much at the market.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Our vegetable garden has been a bust but the raspberries are filling the freezer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy about your raspberry bounty, too, Judy!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh those raspberries are my favorite of the six! Believe it or not I tried starting a few twice and each time a miserable summer drought did them in. I still find it hard to believe I killed raspberries… twice!
    To compensate we’re enjoying gooseberry tarts and some redcurrant jelly from my mom’s garden. But I do love raspberries!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gooseberries and redcurrants are great! I do remember your mom likes redcurrant jelly, as does my mom. Wish I could send you some of these raspberries since I’m pretty tired of picking them at this point.


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