We’re all preparing to transition to sweaters and to bid farewell to a lovely summer as autumn’s chill is most definitely in the evening air. Yet the garden is hanging onto these beautiful, clear, and warm days. Dahlias and roses are sharing the spotlight. Other than dahlias which absolutely deserve a mention this Saturday, I’ll focus this post on abundant harvests and projects that have made use of the garden’s harvests.

ONE – Dahlias for days! Below are featured four beauties, but I really don’t play favorites with my 55+ varieties (over 150 tubers — yes, lots of work!).

TWO – Pickles! Spicy cucumber pickles, that is. The petite cucumbers I’m growing up two trellises are perfect for making delicious pickles.

THREE – Sauerkraut! I’ve harvested six large cabbages, three of which were shredded to fill the below jars. The “pickle pipes” atop the jars are basically airlocks that allow gas (carbon dioxide) to escape while keeping out oxygen. This has been much simpler than fermenting in my enormous stone crock which I bought second-hand with its distinctively mustardy aroma I can’t get rid of.

FOUR – Applesauce! Apples began dropping from our two Yellow Transparent trees a couple of weeks ago, so I needed to pick these earliest apples and put them to use. Our other apples weren’t quite ripe. Yellow Transparents aren’t the best for fresh eating, but they work well for cider, and the applesauce made from them is wonderful. My sister, Meg, helped with pounds of peeling. Below shows the first stage of cooking prior to the food mill. For the first time ever, I had a catastrophe in the water bath canner when a filled quart’s glass bottom cracked completely off which affected the remaining jars’ sealing abilities. A whole lot of washing and prepping and boiling later, I have three large quarts to give to the applesauce-loving grandsons.

FIVE – It’s another bountiful year for carrots, my seventh in a row at Coppertop. In spring I sowed three varieties: Nantes, Danvers Half-Longs, and Imperator. This week I pulled a few around the bed’s edges. Well, a few means a few pounds. I imagine there are about 50 pounds remaining to harvest. I’ll be pickling some, keeping many pounds in cold storage, and leaving lots in the raised bed until I need them in the winter, since that worked well for me last year.

SIX – Cider Time! Hubby and I look forward to this time of year. We’ve deemed today “Ciderday Saturday” so we will be pressing many, many pounds of apples. We harvested and washed apples last night. Most are from our orchard, but some are donated by friends who will receive some bottles of cider after the fermentation process.

Six on Saturday was started by The Propagator from his corner of the world and has spread amongst garden bloggers worldwide. Links to posts can be found here in the comment section.

25 responses to “Six On Saturday — September 5”

  1. Ah, we missed out on canning season this year. It has been so very hectic, and the garden was abandoned a few times for a few different reasons. Most recently, we needed to evacuate for the fire. Even if we got enough to can, there was not enough time. Besides, there are so many who are unemployed or not employed enough that all of the minimal surplus was shared with neighbors. Now there are firefighters and those who lost their homes camped out here. Well, there will be pippins later.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like there’s been enough for you to do without thinking about canning, Tony. Glad you are safe and hoping for an easier September for all.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 55 varieties of dahlias !! How much you have! : you’re lucky, even if it’s a hard job to plant and dig up tubers? …
    What is the recipe for your cucumber pickles? It looks appetizing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, lots of dahlias here for a few months. I love them, Fred. The brine for the cucumbers includes cider vinegar, salt, dried peppers, dried onions, and peppercorns. They are pretty spicy!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. 150 tubers! A lot of work – but they must give you a fabulous display. The white, flushed with soft pink, ‘Mikayla Miranda’ is a beauty, I wonder if it is known by another name over here. I must do a search.

    Your garden is keeping you busy in the kitchen – that tells a story of a very good fruit and vegetable harvest. Pressing apples looks like a fun job, though you do have rather a lot to get through!

    Enjoy your Ciderday Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Catherine. Its been a good, very full day here.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow to the carrots. Mine were a complete disaster! Lovely selection of dahlias.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I appreciate the encouragement! Makes us all feel closer somehow.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Well my single dahlia is doing fine on its own! 😉 150!! Well done! I am looking forward to my Green Tomato Chutney but that will probably be the only preserve this year due to no apples, apart from crabapples. Never mind, the potatoes have been outstanding considering they were an afterthought. You must work so hard in your garden and it shows! Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, as you know our gardens demand time, but the rewards are wonderful. There’s no place I’d rather be than in my garden. I enjoyed the photo of your potatoes, Granny!


  6. I too love preserving, and what a variety of activities to keep you out of mischief.


  7. My mouth is watering at the lovely pictures of your harvest and preserving pans. I’m going to try making apple sauce for the first time this year. The Dahlias look wonderful and I liked your side bar picture of the oranges and pinks mingles in together.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m certain you’ll be successful with applesauce. It’s simple, and even yummier with a little cinnamon added.


  8. What a great harvest! Love the sound of the cider. 😃


    1. The fresh cider is delicious, and the fermented cider will last for the year. Thanks, Cathy.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Your garden is fabulous and such wonderful edible delights. I cannot compute 55 varieties of dahlias, but they must look amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The dahlias are just getting into their stride now. They’re so fun!


  10. What a wonderfully productive garden and kitchen you have! I noticed the pickle pipes! I will have to try and look out for some, as they would definitely make the process easier. Your pickled cucumbers look lovely too! I’m impressed with your cider making press and the amount of apples you have too! Your post has inspired me to do more to preserve our produce this year! Lovely post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Have fun preserving! I’ve been enjoying fermenting more veg. I freeze the freezable crops, but we dislike canned veg, so pickling and dehydrating are two more options.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow, you’ve been busy but it’s lovely to get the rewards for all of your hard work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, and somehow this year doesn’t feel as hectic even during peak harvest season. Must be the additional time at home due to COVID-19.


  12. I think if I had 150 dahlias I’d not have time for pickles, sauerkraut, apples or carrots. I’d make exception for Ciderday-ing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exceptions for essentials, of course! Once in, the dahlias require so little — until time to dig again.


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