Summer approaches! The gardens are lush and bountiful. Six things happening right now down in the veg garden, up the hill, and all around:

1. It’s a great year for baby spinach, so great that I’m harvesting every few days and thinning plants as they grow. This is the Bloomsdale variety. Some years I don’t have the best luck with growing spinach, but chard always does excellently for me, so I just harvest loads of chard, freeze it, and substitute it for spinach year round in most recipes. But the baby spinach this year — wow — just looking at it almost provides an infusion of iron.

2. The very first peonies to open here are always P. officinalis ‘Alba Plena’ and my two bushes produced plenty of beautiful white blooms this year. I think our extreme cold snap helped all of my peonies, also causing the first blooms to be pinkish white, changing to pure white as they matured. A quick bouquet of peonies, viburnum, and columbine ‘Pink Barlow’ graced the table this week.

3. Tree Peony. This young beauty is P. suffruticosa ‘Kinkaku’ which loosely translates from Japanese as ‘gold.’ She does age into a paler tone. She is the second of my two dozen peony plants to open this year. She smells like the finest of fruit, and she lives in a big pot on our patio.

4. A ring of Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ is loving life in only its second spring here. This gardener needs to do some dividing! The penstemon planted there are barely competing. This view from the kitchen window brings a smile — and plenty of pollinators. I’ve included a second photo from 2022 when the ring was planted.

5. Still in the orange realm is this Chaenomeles speciosa (flowering quince) ‘Double Take Peach’ near our willow and pond. We planted this thornless, small cultivar about five years ago, and it’s thriving.

6. I’ll finish with this favorite small tree just outside the garden shed. It is Aronia melanocarpa, or chokeberry. Please do notice the lush weeds beneath! We prune the aronia pretty severely every couple of years. In full bloom this week, it will soon be loaded with clusters of shiny black berries that I’ll use in bouquets, especially with dahlias. Berries are followed by superb autumn color. More folks should grow this plant!

Gardeners worldwide are joining Jim in Six on Saturday. Visit to view some amazing gardens.

18 responses to “Saturday, June 8”

  1. I didn’t know about baby spinach, a special variety ? or you pick especially the leaves when young ? and no slug holes….
    Vibrant color of the tree peony, I love it… and this aronia seems to attract bees!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, baby spinach is just the young leaves. I do love the tree peony. Enjoy the week in the garden, Fred!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The Geum ring looks great and the Tree Peony has an amazing flower

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t walk by without inhaling deeply! 🙂


  3. Spinach…yum! And your flowers are beautiful, too. That Aronia looks so healthy. I have one that is slowly becoming established. They’re beautiful shrubs! Have you used the berries in preserves?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Beth! No, I let the birds have the aronia berries after I use plenty in bouquets. I have been reading more about their health benefits, so I might try something with them this year…


  4. Lovely peonies, it seems a good year for them here. Perhaps they have enjoyed all the rain.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So glad you too are having a stellar peony year. Our week of extreme cold seems to have produced more buds than ever. The show has begun!


  5. The circle of Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ has produced a fabulous display around the bird bath. I’ve just added a bird bath to one of the borders and you’ve inspired me to add some Geum nearby. The vase arrangement is beautiful, Peonies always look so lovely in a vase, but I don’t have enough of them to cut for the house. Perhaps one day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. One day, for certain! Also, geum add much movement to the garden as they sway in the breeze.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Such a lovely post! Your garden, flowers and oh, that lovely spinach.


    1. Thank you so much, Robert!


  7. Peonies are SO excellent! They do not get enough chill here to be reliably perennial. However, I know that some people, even in my own (former) neighborhood grow them rather well. I could not figure it out. They were not aware that they should not be able to grow them so well. Peonies are available from some nurseries here, but really should come with warnings that they will not likely be successful.


    1. Good to see you, Tony. True, not all nurseries give sufficient info! This is the chilliest climate we’ve lived in, and the best so far for my peonies. I’m a happy lady!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, I do love your ring of Geums March! And that tree peony is such a gorgeous colour. Can it stay outside in its pot in winter? Chokeberry is something I have yet to try in our hedges. It certainly looks and sounds good. 🐝


    1. That last comment was from me – for some reason I couldn’t sign in! Cathy,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Cathy! You wouldn’t be disappointed by chokeberry. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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